親子で英会話 English with Mommy

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A lot of children and parents came today for an "English with Mommy" time.
ステファニー先生とケリー先生(そして私も)が英語のリードをしながら、子どもたちと歌を歌ったり、踊ったりしました。子どもたちとお母さんたちも元気に踊ってくださいました。今日のテーマは「体」で、"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" という歌を習いました。このあと、子どもたちは分かれて、英語の絵本の読み聞かせに参加しました。
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Stephanie and Kellie(and myself) were the English leaders today as we danced and sang together. The children--and even the parents--danced along. Today's theme centered around body parts. We especially focused on vocabulary from "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." Afterward, the teachers split the group into two and read from English Big Books.
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After this, Naomisan spoke on Biblical child-rearing while we played with the children.
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来てくださった方々、是非またいらしてください。 (^^)・
Thank you to all those who helped with the lunch.
Thank you to all those who came today. (^^)
I know I enjoyed it. I hope you did, too.
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