

またまためでたい日でした。 2013年はすごい!神様はすごい!
What another awesome day! Two thousand thirteen is amazing! Actually, God is amazing!

Shogo explained how he came to believe in Jesus Christ. Then he was baptized. No one receives forgiveness from sin through baptism; neither can one enter heaven because they have been baptized. No one becomes a believer because he/she was baptized. By believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross, taking on himself all your sins' punishment, and that He rose again, is how one becomes a Christian.
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バプテスマは、皆の前で、『イエス様を信じました!これからもイエス様に従っていきたいです!』と宣言することです。Baptism is how one publicly declares their faith and devotion to Jesus Christ.
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「あなたがたは恵みのゆえに、信仰によって救われたのです。それは、自分自身から出たことではなく、神からの賜物です。行いによるのではありません。だれも誇ることのないためです。」 エペソ 2:8-9
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

Afterwards, we held a surprise going away party for Bill and Becky Petite. People from the church brought delicious food; we ate as we watched different pictures of the church from over the past few years.
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Many sang special music or gave a little speech. Bill and Becky were even able to skype with some people who live far away but were also from Living Hope. Thank you so much for staying in Aira, for your labor of love in the Lord. We're sad to see you go, but are waiting eagerly for the day of your return.
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Thank you for all those who helped the going away party to go smoothly.
Thank you so much for all the people who came tonight to the international English service and also for those who helped with the goodbye party here, too. To God be the glory, really.
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